
Today, many are faced with the problem of reporting leads to Facebook, especially if the offer page is not located locally.

We've built a module, that allows you to connect FB Conversions API easily to one of the following trackers: Keitaro/Binom/Voluum

Our APIFB module allows you to send conversions directly to Facebook without the need to integrate a JS pixel on the landing page. By transmitting personal information about the lead alongside the FB Click ID, APIFB can help optimize your ads better than usual. This module installs alongside the tracker and works via S2S Postbacks, making it easy to set up and use.

The price of the module is $150. This payment is one-time only, you'll be provided with a lifetime license, with support and updates.

The installation cost is $30. That includes Installation on the server, configuring a new traffic source, creating a test campaign with the new setup, and (optionally) adding a script to a local offer to collect leads' names and phone numbers.

Please note - This module only works with pixels, generated on BM accounts.

What data does APIFB accept?

  • Full Name (If present)
  • Phone No. (If present)
  • Email (If present)
  • Date of Birth (If present)
  • City
  • State
  • Country
  • IP
  • User agent
  • Payout amount in USD
  • FB ClickID
  • External ID (SubID, ClickID)
  • Conversion Time (Unix Timestamp)
  • Custom Event Name (If needed)
  • Event URL (Can be defined differently, not the actual URL)

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